Excerpt from "This Freezing Sets In":

"...Is your hope to start over? 

Would you solve the problems you couldn’t before,

Do the things that you would not?

Would you reinvent yourself?

Would you love you as you are 

Or drag yourself lower 

Than what you already think of yourself? 

If you could start over, 

Would you improve yourself? 

Could you improve yourself? 

Raise yourself up onto a pedestal? 

Fix your mistakes 

And make gold from your nonsense? 

Or would you follow in your own footsteps, 

Fall where you fell and succumb to the same issues?"

Excerpt from "In the Sanctum":

Among society’s despotic concerns,

He somehow became unearthed.

The material greed plague that now 

Becomes the new common cold, but how?

It is leisurely annihilating his drive 

And desire to perform well and strive.

It is commanding over his course,

Suddenly veering straight into this force. 

Waves crashing against the bottom's sides 

Sending cargo sliding across with the tide.

Excerpt from "When I Get There":

It won’t matter if I’m odd,

And it won’t matter if I’m the same, 

It won’t matter when I get there,

If people knew my name.