Eclecticism: E-Book*
On Sale
Eclecticism is a collection of many different poetic styles based upon many different levels of contemplation. It is a book composed of memories and experiences that were both in turmoil and cherished in adoration and friendship. It is a journey through a young life held together with hope. It is honesty on every level of the human mind.
Excerpt from "This Freezing Sets In":
"...Is your hope to start over?
Would you solve the problems you couldn’t before,
Do the things that you would not?
Would you reinvent yourself?
Would you love you as you are
Or drag yourself lower
Than what you already think of yourself?
If you could start over,
Would you improve yourself?
Could you improve yourself?
Raise yourself up onto a pedestal?
Fix your mistakes
And make gold from your nonsense?
Or would you follow in your own footsteps,
Fall where you fell and succumb to the same issues?"
*You will be emailed the ebook directly after purchase.